Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Healthy Redlands new blog!

6-16-09: Ok, it's been a LONG time since I've updated this. That's what happens when you have too many irons in the fire! LOL!

Anyway, a few key updates, in case you haven't been following:

1. Healthy Redlands has an official blog now: http://healthyredlands.blogspot.com/

2. On that blog, you'll see a new coordinator, Andrea. She took over for Lisa so we'll have to get Andrea's picture in here.

3. Another change--both Kathy and I are stepping down as co-chairs and turning the comm. over to a new chair, Charissa Plymesser, who works with Kathy at the Y. I haven't met her yet, but I hear she's ready and willing to take the reins of this comm. and take it to the next level, so welcome Charissa and I look forward to meeting her one day.

Hope you're all doing well and keeping healthy this summer!
