Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Healthy Eating Active Living Campaign

Check out this possible resource for our group. Rec'd this from my DSHN (Desert Sierra Health Network) e-mail posting.


A new three year project, Healthy Eating Active Living Campaign for California Cities, funded by Kaiser Permanente North and South and the California Vitamin Consumers Case Settlement Fund, was launched earlier this month by the California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) and the League of California Cities. The project will work with city officials to adopt local policies to improve the nutrition and physical activity environments in California cities. If you are working on nutrition and physical activity policy in your city, they are eager to learn about your effort. Please contact Charlotte Dickson ( or 510 302-3387) or Francisco Dominguez ( or 408 314-9910). Charlotte and Francisco welcome calls from city officials, advocates and health professionals interested in pursuing local nutrition and physical activity policy.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome! Next meeting July 15...

6-26-08: Introducing this blog for our subgroup, Health, Fitness, and Education, for the Healthy Redlands initiative.

We formed this blog in order to enhance relationship building between the committee members, and to also facilitate sharing and communicating what we are working on with each other.

I (Ernie Medina, Jr.) am the moderator, so if you have any questions, suggestions, updates, news, pictures, etc. that you want me to post on here, you can contact me at and I'd be happy to post it here.

Thanks to all those who are helping with this great project! We look forward to working wtih you and getting to know you all better.

Our first subgroup meeting is scheduled for Tues., July 15, 9:00 AM, at the YMCA, so hopefully you can make it to that!